Celebrating His triumph in the cross
Celebrating <font color='red'>His</font> triumph in the cross.

Celebrating His triumph in the cross.

But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.

— St. Paul, Epistle to the Galatians


We are located at 13875 Higgins Rd., San Antonio, Texas (78217).


Our services are on Sunday. At 9:45 AM we have a Praise & Testimony service, and at 11:00 AM we have Worship & Teaching. Children’s Sunday School is at 9:45 AM.


Everyone is welcome! Come as you are; the Holy Spirit will not let you leave as you were.

Go to Church.

We welcome you to join us in worshiping God and considering His word. Free Born has two services each Sunday morning: At 9:45 we have a praise, prayer, and testimony service, and then at 11:00 we have a time of worship followed by an in-depth, expository sermon. Between the two services we have a 20 minute time of fellowship and refreshments. We offer children’s Sunday school during the first service.

Sunday 9:45 AM – Praise, prayer, & testimony

Sunday 11:00 AM – Worship & sermon

Free Born meets in the New Hope United Church building at:

13875 Higgins Rd.
San Antonio, TX 78217

What’s the Gospel?

The Gospel is the great story of how God is reconciling his fallen creation to himself through the cross of Jesus.

Mankind rebelled against God, insisting on creating their own identity rather than submitting to what God had designed them to be. The consequence of this rebellion was separation from God, the source of life and peace. Mankind, and all of creation, was plunged into the darkness of violence, selfishness, and despair. But through a chosen family, God interjected himself into the human race, shouldering the full burden of all mankind’s evil and pain, and nailing it to the cross with himself. This act of incomprehensible love broke the power of darkness and restored a path to God’s presence for any and all who will receive him. It is impossible to deserve or earn this restoration. It can only be received as a free gift. God gives it by his grace and we receive it by our faith.

Why Christianity?

Confused or free?

Only I can know my true gender identity, and everyone must accept and affirm however I self-identify. Gender ideology is much more than just simple... Read More "Confused or free?"

That’s right, No!

Is now a bad time to talk to you about Jesus? It seems that Christians always pick the worst possible time to shove our beliefs... Read More "That’s right, No!"

How dare you like me!

Most people like Jesus but don’t like Christianity. The reason for this is because they see Jesus as loving, tolerant, and affirming. Whereas they perceive... Read More "How dare you like me!"

Which way out?

I am trapped, lost, helpless, and so ashamed. Do you know someone like that? Perhaps a family member or friend. They have been miserable for... Read More "Which way out?"

Why does God hate sex?

Aren’t the Biblical rules on sex outdated and bigoted? God designed sex and he designed it to be pleasurable. But he also designed it for... Read More "Why does God hate sex?"

Why can’t I just be happy?

Doesn’t God just want me to be happy? Happiness is nice, but it is overrated in our modern culture. There are many things much more... Read More "Why can’t I just be happy?"

Why do I still need God?

Hasn’t science made God obsolete? The more we understand about the cosmos, the more apparent it is that there is a Designer. At one time... Read More "Why do I still need God?"

Why does God allow pain?

If there is a God why is there evil in the world? A world without evil, pain, and suffering is a world without choice, without... Read More "Why does God allow pain?"

How can I believe the Bible?

Isn’t the Bible full of errors? The Bible is the most reliable book of antiquity. There are more copies, and more ancient copies of the... Read More "How can I believe the Bible?"

Does anyone care?

Yes! There are many people who care about you. Even though the world is more connected than ever before, people feel more disconnected and forgotten then... Read More "Does anyone care?"

What happened to us?

We vowed, “To love and cherish.” Now we can’t stand each other. Marriage can become so difficult that people who once loved each other so... Read More "What happened to us?"

What’s your truth?

“Know my truth. Speak my truth. Live my truth!” This mantra is empowering, but it disregards a critical reality: While there are many opinions, there... Read More "What’s your truth?"