Why do I still need God?
Hasn’t science made God obsolete? The more we understand about the cosmos, the more apparent it is that there is a Designer. At one time …
Hasn’t science made God obsolete? The more we understand about the cosmos, the more apparent it is that there is a Designer. At one time …
If there is a God why is there evil in the world? A world without evil, pain, and suffering is a world without choice, without …
Isn’t the Bible full of errors? The Bible is the most reliable book of antiquity. There are more copies, and more ancient copies of the …
Yes! There are many people who care about you. Even though the world is more connected than ever before, people feel more disconnected and forgotten then …
We vowed, “To love and cherish.” Now we can’t stand each other. Marriage can become so difficult that people who once loved each other so …
“Know my truth. Speak my truth. Live my truth!” This mantra is empowering, but it disregards a critical reality: While there are many opinions, there …
Is the purpose of life to be good? Is it to be free to discover your true self? Is it to create your true identity? …
The Gospel is the great story of God redeeming his creation from sin and drawing it in to an even better outcome than was possible …