The Uncoddled Christian Mind
There is a pretty well-known book that was published in 2018 titled, “The Coddling of the American Mind” which detailed and analyzed the fragility culture …
There is a pretty well-known book that was published in 2018 titled, “The Coddling of the American Mind” which detailed and analyzed the fragility culture …
One of the quintessential misapplied verses in the Bible is 1 John 2.27. In this text, the Apostle John declares that believers have the anointing …
In the Gospel of John, Jesus promises the coming of what is called the Paracletos. This is a Greek word that in the KJV is translated the …
Murdering God necessitated a total and immediate reimagining of the world; not just the geological and biological world, but especially the moral, psychological, and metaphysical …
All truly great gifts are hideous. Which outs all of us who give such nice, polite, beautiful gifts as truly selfish and self-absorbed gifters. We …
It has long famously been observed that God is as much a self-reflection of man as man is the image bearer of God. The accusation …
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever …
In August of 2021 I published an essay on the contrast between Continuationism and Cessationism titled “A Study on the Pneumatika“. In that essay I …
Our relatively recent explosion in technical and scientific progress has shaken the foundations of traditional society, especially that of the nuclear family. Women are more …
The most reckless decision you will make in life is how to respond to Jesus. It doesn’t matter what you decide, there are no safe …