Celebrating His triumph in the cross
What’s the purpose of life?
What’s the purpose of life?

What’s the purpose of life?

Is the purpose of life to be good?

Is it to be free to discover your true self? 

Is it to create your true identity?

None of these provide any real, ultimate purpose.

If you try to be good, you will discover you can never be good enough. If you do what makes you feel free, you will eventually become a slave to your lusts. And if you try to create your own identity, you will discover that it is so fragile that without constant and universal affirmation, it disintegrates.

However, the gospel teaches that Jesus saves you even though you are not good; he liberates you from the bondage of self-fulfillment; and he confers his identity on you, so that you can be completely and freely accepted by God in him. 

The only requirement is that you believe that Jesus died and resurrected, and confess him as Lord. 

If you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and will believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved. — Romans 10:9

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