Celebrating His triumph in the cross
Which way out?
Which way out?

Which way out?

I am trapped, lost, helpless, and so ashamed.

Do you know someone like that? Perhaps a family member or friend. They have been miserable for so long that they can no longer even remember what warm sunshine feels like. They live in constant pain; not just psychological but perhaps even self-inflicted physical pain. 

They are stumbling through life in complete despair, and no matter how much you try you haven’t been able to help them. They seem to be fading deeper every day into the darkness.

Jesus went far out of his way one day to find a person who was living this same hell. He found him homeless, full of self-inflicted wounds, and an outcast of society. And he restored him. He healed his mind and gave him peace by forgiving his sins, because Jesus is Lord of all. Perhaps Jesus can restore your loved one also. 

Come to me all of you who are tired from the heavy burden you have been forced to carry. I will give you rest. The load I give you to carry is light.
– Matthew 11:28-30

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